Antimicrobial Stewardship

We support the responsible management of medications and provide you with training, information and tools to ensure best practice antimicrobial prescibing and use.


Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS)

According to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) is the careful and responsible management of medications used to treat or prevent infections. It involves activities that promote and support best practice antimicrobial prescribing and use.

Our AMS Complete Clinical Package is instrumental in helping you to meet your requirements under Quality Standard 3 requirement (3)(g) and Standard 8 requirement (3)(d) which ask you to demonstrate actions to minimise infection-related risks to residents, your staff and the wider community.

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AMS Package

Our AMS Complete Clinical Package forms part of our QUM offering and includes:

Corporate Clinical Governance support in regular reviews and development of your AMS policies and procedures

Regular three monthly audits of the AMS register (your own, or we can supply one) in line with Therapeutic Guidelines

Face-to-face and online education and training on AMS in webinars, in-person education sessions, handouts, and newsletters

Personalised training and information sessions are specific to your facility’s needs

Weekly newsletter often featuring AMS content

Antimicrobial Stewardship benchmarking against other facilities

Clinical Governance Committee involvement (where invited)

Input and advice on AMS at MAC and quarterly meetings, as well as in-between meetings, should the need arise

Community health campaigns for residents and their families on topics such as Antibiotic Awareness and Appropriate Use of Antibiotics

Call 1800 927 366 or email to find out how we can help your aged care home.


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Our Clinical Excellence Guarantee

We pride ourselves on our clinical excellence guaranteeing a high standard of work. Achieving this through transparency, accountability, and quality control for both QUM and RMMRs. We peer review RMMRs and further support and mentor our staff to ensure excellence.

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